Use "book of genesis|book of genesis" in a sentence

1. The Bible book of Genesis provides the background.

2. The book of Exodus is really the sequel, then, to the book of Genesis.

3. In a book entitled Discovery of Genesis, the coauthors, C.

4. They say that the Bible book of Genesis is a parable.

5. The Book of Genesis contains little information on the garden itself.

6. This account is found in chapters 29 and 30 of the Bible book of Genesis.

7. Some 15 chapters of the book of Genesis are devoted to the account about Abraham.

8. The account of creation found in the Bible book of Genesis is one example of this.

9. Cayce flat out states that Jesus was also the first Adam of the book of Genesis.

10. The first part of the book of Genesis contains the only accurate account of early human history.

11. The very first book is Genesis, and the last is Revelation, or Apocalypse.

12. In the lives of Isaac and Rebekah recorded in the book of Genesis, love came after marriage.

13. The oratorio depicts and celebrates the Creation of the world as described in the Book of Genesis.

14. Genesis is the first book of the Pentateuch (an Anglicized Greek word meaning “five rolls” or “fivefold volume”).

15. Almonds are even referenced in the first book of the Bible, Genesis, as a prized food given as gifts.

16. Almonds are even referenced in the first book of the Bible, Genesis, as a prized food given as gifts

17. See the article “Jehovah’s Word Is Alive —Highlights From the Book of Genesis— I” in the January 1, 2004, issue of The Watchtower.

18. Through the Bible with Les Feldick LESSON 1 * PART 3 * BOOK 5 Law – Weak and Beggarly Genesis 21-23

19. " Operation Genesis. "

20. It has been preserved in the Bible book of Genesis, where we can read the graphic details in Ge chapters 6 to 8.

21. It seemed, he said, as he took a pinch of snuff, that I hadn't read the third chapter of the book of Genesis with sufficient attention.

22. This is the spirit that Moses says, in the first Book of Genesis, that moved upon the face of the waters at the time of creation.

23. Of Jacob, Bigamic jealousy between Leah and Rachel Genesis 29:30-34; Genesis 30:1-25

24. Michelangelo devoted four years to painting the mural that adorns the ceiling, a work depicting events in the book of Genesis and other Biblical stories.

25. The genesis stone.

26. This poem, Milton tells us again and again, has been authorized by that same Holy Spirit who had inspired Moses to write the Book of Genesis.

27. Shepherd. —Genesis 4:2.

28. The story Abraham can be read in the Bible in the book of Genesis, in which it is said that he was born in 1813 a

29. Canonize is part of the genesis set

30. Creationism attempts to formulate theories for the origin of the universe and life; theories that are rooted in the truths God has given us in the book of Genesis.

31. Best speed to Genesis.

32. (Romans 5:12) Paul is here alluding to Genesis, the first book of the Bible, and to the creation of the first man, Adam, and his wife, Eve.

33. Besch is affiliated with Genesis Medical Center-Davenport West and Genesis Medical Center-East.

34. In the Book of Genesis, God gave man dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the living things that move on the earth.

35. Collect Phaestus, Genesis of Aeons from Overseer Atticus

36. The Book of Genesis, interested in this section in the origin of the different occupations of men, tells us that Cain became a husbandman while his brother Abel tended flocks

37. Startin' from Genesis, they Begat.

38. Startin from Genesis, they Begat.

39. Its genesis had been Leslie chancing upon a copy of the 1896 book The Story of Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria by William Scott-Elliot in a friend's library.

40. Ancient Greek religion, what we call mythology, tells the same story as the Book of Genesis, except that the serpent is the enlightener of mankind rather than our deceiver.

41. (Genesis 2:17) Adam and Eve eventually reaped the wages of sin —they perished. —Genesis 3:19; 5:3-5.

42. Matthew appropriates that term, and he begins his own text with that same word, probably meaning for his readers to recall the book of Genesis in a way.

43. To help us remain clear-headed and not get lost in the fog mankind is willfully lost in, it is good to turn to the Book of Genesis.

44. According to the Bible book of Genesis, while returning to his homeland, Jacob adjusted the pace of his whole entourage so as not to be too hard on the children.

45. He confirmed the account of Genesis regarding man’s origin.

46. Concretion morphology, classification and genesis

47. (Genesis 12:4) Hence, Genesis 11:31–12:4 gives the strong impression that Jehovah spoke the words recorded at Genesis 12:1-3 after Terah’s death.

48. 17 To help us remain clear-headed and not get lost in the fog mankind is willfully lost in, it is good to turn to the Book of Genesis.

49. “Has the truth about the authorship of Genesis changed?

50. Automatons: the genesis to robots

51. “GENESIS” means “origin,” or “birth.”

52. A more careful translation of the Hebrew word for “rib” in the Book of Genesis suggests Eve was actually created from another, very different, part of Adam’s anatomy—his os Baculum (penis

53. Genesis 10:15-16 first mentions the Amorites, referring to them as descendants of Canaan, son of Ham, the son of Noah (Genesis 10:6).

54. Chumash Chorev ha-Menukad: Bereishit/Genesis

55. Scofield interprets Genesis 1:16 Allegorically

56. Abraham [according to the Book of Genesis, Heb.,=father of many nations] or Abram (ā`brəm) [Heb.,=exalted father], in the Bible, progenitor of the Hebrews; in the Qur'an, ancestor of the Arabs

57. I've known people who can recite the batting averages of their favorite baseball players for every year of their careers, but can't remember where the book of Genesis is in the Bible.

58. [5] This is the true genesis of liberal Bonapartism

59. Laboriously did he describe the genesis of the picnic.

60. (Genesis 1:27) David made good use of this gift.

61. Strictly defined, Creationism is based on a literal reading of the Bible's Book of Genesis, which describes the creation of the world and all the life in it over a period of six days

62. The Book of Genesis employs the same expressions used earlier for the creation of other living beings: "multiply". But it is clear that these expressions are being used in an analogous sense.

63. The origin of life and man’s fall into sin Genesis

64. What exactly is the course of the Genesis right now?

65. Burton Genesis EST Snowboard Bindings 2021

66. (Genesis 1:31) What changed things?

67. Shem, Ham, and Japheth. —Genesis 6:10.

68. Bethel (the house of God) well known city and holy place of central Palestine, about 12 mlles north of Jerusalem.If we are to accept the precise definition of ( Genesis 12:8) the name of Bethel would appear to have existed at this spot even before the arrival of Abram in Canaan.( Genesis 12:8; Genesis 13:3 Genesis 13:4) Bethel was the scene of Jacobs vision.

69. Genesis Chamber ready to analyze genetic sample.

70. The Abrahamic Covenant included the promise of land (Genesis 12:1)

71. In the Book of Genesis, God commands Noah to built the massive vessel and bring “every sort [of animal]...male and female ... everything on the dry land in whose nostrils was the breath of life.”

72. They contain poetic truths, whether told to amuse and delight or to convey the best science man knew in a pre-scientific age, as witness the Creation story in the Book of Genesis.

73. ◆ Confirmed the Genesis account of man’s origin —Matthew 19:3-6

74. (Exodus 20:11) Does the wording of Genesis support this conclusion?

75. 1864, Melancthon Williams Jacobus, Notes, critical and explanatory, on the book of Genesis, page iii: God's word suffers nothing from such captious queryings and Cavillings as deface the pages of the modern destructive school

76. Law – Weak and Beggarly Genesis 21-23

77. 7 Animals are souls.—Genesis 1:24

78. (Genesis 6:11) Violence was not actually new.

79. (Genesis 1:28) This purpose was not temporary.

80. (Genesis 25:8, footnote) Most have an abiding sense of futility.